Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuscan Kale and Squash Minestra

Recipe 5 - January 18th, 2012


This recipe comes from Food and Wine, December 2011
Chef: Grace Parisi

I have to admit right off that I did not find "Tuscan" kale.  I bought (in layman's terms) "curly" kale and it worked well in this recipe.  One bunch equaled about 0.6 lbs and was enough for the recipe (it calls for a pound).  Also, as you will notice, my toasts got really toasty!

This recipe is quick and hearty.  The servings are pretty generous, I made the full recipe and there were leftovers.  The ditalini pasta are adorable and it was fun to learn about a new type of pasta.

I bought canned beans and would recommend Eden Foods canned beans.  They are the only company that has BPA-free can lining for their beans.  They also offer stewed tomatoes in glass jars, something I have found to be very hard to find.

We really liked the soup and will definitely make it again.  

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